Friday, March 16, 2007

Happy St Patty's...Just a Wee Bit Early

Every now and then, I like to take a trip down memory lane and look at pictures. I had to giggle over last year's St Patty's pictures. Here is Angus wishing you a Happy St. Patty's Day....I am not sure exactly what Angus had in mind, but he sure looks funny! Murphy made ***sure*** he and Angus would never have to wear those ridiculous hats EVER again...I think he demolished the very last one just a month or two ago. I am not even sure where he found them!

Tomorrow morning, I will start preparing the corned beef for the traditional corned beef and cabbage. Mark had never even heard of it before, and now he looks forward to it every year. So, whether you choose to celebrate St. Patty's any way you see fit (green bagels, green beer, corned beef and cabbage) or not, here's to the Irish!

And yes, I do indeed have a wee bit o' the Irish in me. My maternal great grandmother happened to be Irish! She was a wee little woman whom I remember precious little about. She passed away when I was only 11.

For those experiencing the wild winter storm on the east coast, please stay safe and warm!


Carly B said...

Ah, yes, the winter storms! I just came in from shoveling and am waiting for my face to thaw...ARGH! Unfortunately we have not seen the last of the snow either. After I so carefully cleaned the snow off down to the bare driveway, I turned around to inspect my handiwork and it was covered with a fresh dusting of white stuff!!!! Sarah informed me that it is supposed to be 60 by the end of next week though. Oh boy! Another pond in the back yard!

Lisanne said...

ADORABLE shot! Oh, I *love* it! Especially the green carnations. :) Happy St. Patrick's Day! I want some corned beef and cabbage! What did we have for dinner tonight? Italian! LOL! :)