Sunday, April 15, 2007

Yes, Snow....

I live in the woods. When we turn off the lights, it is very dark. Last night, however, when I woke up in the middle of the night, I could see outside, so I knew it had snowed or was snowing.
This morning when Murphy insisted it was time to get up, I opened my eyes to a world of what looked like black and white. I decided to just open my window and take three pictures, each in a different direction.....

Hey, wait a minute! These pictures all look the SAME! Yes, they do, and yes, it DOES!

We are being blessed with *really* heavy wet snow right now. In looking at the radar and maps, it looks like the east coast is going to be getting the brunt of this beast. I imagine lines will be going down, as this is seriously heavy stuff, and we are only getting the fringes of it!

It is hard to believe that yesterday I was outside taking pictures in my flip-flops! This morning, I had to grab my Crocs with no holes in them before taking the boys out. Those flip-flops would have left me with FROZEN toes!


Carly B said...

When you say fringe, you aren't kidding...we got a "dusting" if you could call it that, at about 4AM, but it has since melted...weird!

Terri said...

Just a dusting here too, but the sky is soooo strange looking and my "barometer dog" is fussing a bit.

Denise in PA said...

Luckily we're getting all rain out of's been raining since Friday afternoon, so it's a dang good thing it isn't SNOW!