Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sunny Days Ahead!

After this latest deluge of snow, I was thrilled beyond words when I looked at the weather and saw that the temperatures are going to *soar* into the 50's today! The sky looked rather pretty this morning....not dark and foreboding! We are fortunate that in this late snowstorm none of the trees near the house look to be badly damaged. As soon as the snow melts, we will be doing a lot of yard cleanup as there are little branches everywhere!

When the snow came down, the ground was warm and as it fell, it melted. Thus, I guess it would be better to say we received almost a foot of "slush" than snow! The Scotties and I had a blast going out in the morning. NOT! On Monday, the snow was so deep, the boys made *me* walk in front to make a path for them! By Tuesday morning, enough snow had fallen after being cleared away that it was up to their shoulders. (OK, so Scotties have short legs, but there was a good 4" of snow there!) I am grateful for warmer weather ahead, as shoveling in April seems like such a tiring task!

Last night, Michelle had her Bible study. I dropped her off at the church and then went to the lake. This town is located about 16 miles northeast of us, and they have no snow! What a contrast to see vibrant green! I drove around near the head of the lake and it was so beautiful. People were walking everywhere! As soon as the weather makes a turn, people get out!

I stopped by Wendy's and got a Frosty (Lisanne, are you reading...I didn't get the float,though.) and sat by the lake just enjoying it and the peacefulness around me. The sun had come out yesterday afternoon, and it gave the lake an almost "hazy" surreal look as it streaked through lingering clouds. I could have sat there a long time but I went to Lowe's and looked around instead.

This morning when I took the Scotties out, music filled the air! Birds are chirping and singing so loudly. I am sure they are also happy for warmer kinder weather! Last week, I was so excited as I spotted an Eastern Bluebird in a tree at the end of our driveway. Since we are in the woods, a bluebird is an unusual sight, but I know that people further up the hill have nesting boxes for bluebirds in their open fields.

I am anxious to get out and take pictures of something other than snow with my camera! I think it is time to get some *colorful* pictures, as opposed to monochromatic ones!

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