Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Results are In!

The doctor called our house early this afternoon to tell me that the bloodwork results were now in and they were (as she put it) "picture perfect". She told me she could not have asked for better numbers. So, the possibilities of anemia and thyroid have been ruled out. The next step is an echo cardiogram that will be done on May 1. I am praying that the results will be as excellent.

There is not much happening here. The doctor had ordered me to take things easy, and that is precisely what I am doing.

Yesterday, Carly "borrowed' Ben for a few hours to help demolish her basement. Oops! Did I say *demolish*? Actually, Ben helped Carly and her son, Kyle, take down some walls in the basement! The former owners of this older home decided to build a room in the basement. The mode of doing this was haphazzard at best, and somewhat illegal. As Carly showed me electric wire hanging in mid air hidden behind paneled walls, I couldn't help but wonder what the building inspector that looked over her home before they purchased it might have said were it exposed...For insulation, the technique used was to place the insulation into plastic garbage bags and throw them into the walls. Ugh....

Carly met us to deliver Ben back to us, and her little dachshund, Joe came along for the ride.

Mark snapped this picture.....doesn't it look as though he is just hanging out, listening and taking everything in?

He is such a cutie...but he was thinking it was time to start heading on home. As we chatted, he began to think perhaps he needed to take matters into his own "paws"!!!!


Terri said...

Good news! and I'm keeping my thoughts possitive for your test. Joe's a cutie!

Carly B said...

Hmm, I wonder who will learn how to drive first...Kyle, or Joe?