Thursday, April 26, 2007


Yesterday, I decided to try out the Loreal haircolor kit I bought at WalMart a few weeks ago. I have been feeling so "off", I just didn't want to take the time to use it before this! So, after doing the base color, highlights are kind of "painted" on.

I have NEVER done anything like this before! I always just did a basic color......

Michelle helped me place the highlights, which was very useful as I do not have eyes in the back of my head. (in spite of the fact that I always tell Ben I do!) When I was done, there was still a lot of the mix left, so I told Michelle she could do her hair. When I tried to snap her picture today, she took off, fleeting like a gazelle! hehehe GAZELLE MICHELLE

Little did she know....I am ******fast******* or, at least my Nikon is!!!


Carly B said...

How come Michelle got the long legs, and I got stuck being short with short legs...NO FAIR! She got better "jeans."

Katya said...

Welllll....I have no idea where Gazelle got her legs from...they certainly ARE long, though!