Friday, August 11, 2006

A Gentle Reminder....

What a shock I got when I was awakened at about 4:30 this morning.... See cute little Murphy?
He sure is a cutie, isn't he?

We love our little Murphy all to pieces. I have made it a point to give Murphy a raw bone about once a week as this is an excellent source for keeping sparkling clean teeth. (King Angus has never been a bone-chewer....he HIDES bones, never to retrieve them again!)

Apparently, last night when I lifted Murphy onto the bed to sleep, he was hiding his highly-prized (albeit greatly reduced from the size in which it was given to him!) treasure in his mouth....I was so exhausted, I never even heard Murphy chewing on the bone! However, when I was awakened at 4:30, I felt the bone!!!!

Can you imagine little pieces of bone "crumbs" under your body? I felt thousands of tiny little shards poking into various parts of my body. I brushed some onto the floor, but as I brushed, it seemed like these annoying little buggers were multiplying!!!

Ah, well. The bedding, including comforter are all in the wash, even as I write. And Murph? Well, does this look like a face that would EVER want to hurt anyone???? Nah!


Becky said...

Glad to know I'm not the only one waking up to who know's what in the bed!
That is way too funny!

Unknown said...

The bone hiding dog is just soo cute, until you step on a treasure with bare feet.Murphy is so sweet.
I had a dog who would store her bones on my pillow. I guess she thought I would like to have something decent to eat, now and then.