Saturday, August 12, 2006

Camera Crazed!

Several years ago, I was pretty good with my Minolta 35mm camera. With the arrival of the digital cameras on the scene, I felt totally lost. To begin with, my computer skills are sorely lacking...I watch Mark use the camera with no problems nor great thought. Me, on the other hand, YIKES! I need to think, rethink, and then think all over again. The difference between Mark's comfortable intuition and my total ineptness!!!

I have been bound and determined to conquer the camera. I downloaded the manual onto my laptop, so I can read when I am faced with a new challenge! I took a few pictures today. I was so excited to discover that I can get about 1" away from an object with the "Super Macro setting"! Cool, eh? So, here is the center of a coneflower!

This picture was the result of playing with the "saturation" setting. I was so happy with how it turned out. The color was quite lifelike after I set the setting *way* up!

This was a "weed" I found in a neighbor's yard. I love that color once again turned out so perfect. It was really difficult taking this picture, because the wind kept the little subject swaying back and forth..

Well, I (obviously) need more instruction with my little camera, but thought I would share a few pictures anyway.


Becky said...

Hey, that's not a weed, that looks like mallow to me! me loves mallows, grab some seeds for yourself, it grows easily from seed.
The pictures look terrific! : )

Katya said...

Oh, I am so glad I put "weed" in parens!!! I wasn't quite sure what it was! I never call the things that grow in the wild "weeds", as everything has its place, right? I love it all cause I don't have to tend to it!