Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Do You Have a Dream?

Well, I do have a dream, and many people think I am too silly.

You see, my dream is to live in a tiny little house with a very big barn. The barn would be large enough to be divided into many different areas. There would be a place where Mark could work on the vehicles, teaching Ben how to do oil changes, brake jobs, and all the things a young boy would want to learn about. There would be a specific area where Mark could do woodworking.
I would also have areas...soapmaking, sewing, and a craft area. The whole idea of this "dream" is that we could leave the messes behind and not have to clean up like you do when you make a terrible mess in the house. It would not be so critical!

I have had this dream for quite some time. I guess the reason is because I want my home to be picture perfecct! I grow so weary of cleaning and REcleaning over and over and over again to no avail. It would be so perfect to be able to sprawl out and work on a project and not have to figure in the time it takes to clean up afterward. And, just like a regular job, we could go to the barn to accomplish the tasks we have planned for the day. And, my tiny house would remain clean and beautiful.....


Unknown said...

I wanted to tell you that your photography is showing the hours of practice you are putting in. Wow..they are nifty good.
Blogspot has been deleting my comments posting...I didn't even use a rude word..I;ve been trying for three days to tell you this.
I totally have the same dream barn. With an automatic filing system that just picks up papers and does the proper things with them. File,garbage,shred,recycle.

Katya said...



I am so grateful for electronic "writing machines"!! I am so totally frightened by paper.
Should it be filed? If it "is" filed, will I ever LOOK at it again? Is it important? WHERE should it go? Mark thinks I am totally clueless....come to think of it, I AM!!!!!

Thank you for the comments about my pics! I used to be so good with a 35mm camera, but put it aside many years ago. Digital is a bit of a strange animal, but now that I am working more with it, it really IS fun!

Denise in PA said...

I've had the same sort of dream. I'd love a room where I could put everything and not have to clean up a project unitl it's finished! It's so annoying to be so "into" something and then have to clean it up to eat supper on the table!