Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Wordless Wednesday....

OK, so after this, it looks like *I* will be silent on Wednesdays, allowing my camera to speak for me! (good news for YOU!)

Trip Home From Sam's Club...............


Terri said...

Such control. My girls would have torn that package to bits in... oh... 2 seconds! lol Happy WW!!

jennyr said...

oh yummy cookies! i wonder why he/she's not interested?

Anonymous said...

oh yummy!!

FelineFrisky said...

Looking a little forlorn there. perhaps a thumb would help?

Cookie guarding isn't all it's cracked up to be! LOL D :)

Unknown said...

Thats so stinkin cute

Day 2 of the blogging scavenger hunt just started over at Amys Random Thoughts and we would love to have you join us. We have over 85 people playing so far! Its fun and we have prizes!!!

Carly B said...

How could you torture him so much???poor little boy! He looks so forlorn!

Anonymous said...

YUM! I've always wanted to buy some Sam's Club cookies. They look scrumptious!!! Let me know how they are!

Oops! I forgot about Wordless Wednesday today! I just couldn't be wordless, though! hehe :)

Marion McCready said...

aah so cute, I love Scottie dogs and I love cookies!

Katya said...

Little Murphy wasn't actually "forlorn"...he was falling asleep atop the container! He is such a little sweetie, and he was sure if he just looked cute, he would earn one of those delicious cookies!!! Of course, he DID get a wee nibble or two of one of the sugar cookies, but we won't talk about that!!!