Friday, February 16, 2007

What Can Be Worse?

Than having a MESSY house when a visitor comes to the door? Well, how about a driveway that is not very accessible?

Such was how we found ourselves this morning! Mark had gotten a call from Gary Muxworthy, who works for the Buffalo Sabres. He called a little more than a week ago, and Mark apparently misunderstood that Gary was coming today...Mark thought he was coming last Friday. Last Friday, the house was so tidy, everything *glowed*! We figured he had gotten busy and forgot. Well, today, I looked out the front window and saw a man walking in the driveway. Where we live, that is a rather unusual event, so I scurried upstairs to remove my nightgown!

Gary came by with a Sabres hockey stick signed by Jason Pomanville. He also brought a copy of their annual "yearbook" and a calendar! We were so excited!!!

Today is Ben's birthday, so he got a nice surprise! Unfortunately, Michelle woke up not feeling very well. She had coughed a bit during the night, and she felt like she had a cold this morning. I went upstairs to see her shortly after lunch, and, oh my!

How many girls get living, breathing stuffed toys on their beds when they don't feel well? Angus crawled up above her head and just slept and watched over Michelle!

After Mark had spent time plowing the driveway on Wednesday, he sat near the woodstove in the garage. After coming inside, he discovered he had a blister on one of his of the most horrific parts of being paraplegic is the inability to feel your legs. Mark must have been a little too close to the stove. We have been putting a gauze sponge over the blister after washing with antibacterial soap. The blister is looking much better today. We need to be very careful about this because Mark burned his leg when we first got the Explorer. He had the heat on as high as it would go....his leg was too close to the heater vent and he burned his leg. He wound up in the hospital for 3 or 4 days after the blister popped and became infected. We are being diligent to not allow this blister to break open.

Today, Mark decided to try to finish plowing the driveway, as he got too chilled on Wednesday. The temperature actually climbed up to 20 today, and the sunshine melted snow off the truck and sidewalk! The winds were somewhat annoying today, but the sun made such a difference!

That ATV has paid for itself many times over in plowing the driveway. It does a super job, and it makes plowing fun! And, when Mark was finished, we had some respectable piles along the driveway!

It looks like the little rolling house on wheels won't be moving any time soon!!

These last two pictures I could not resist adding...just LOOK at that sky! It was so amazing, so absolutely perfectly *blue"...which happens to be my **very** favorite color!

1 comment:

Denise in PA said...

I just love those last two pictures, the ones of your house! I could move right in! ;)

I think we've all been there with the unexpected visitors situation! I know I have been! And you are so right...the house is *never* clean when that happens!