Monday, February 05, 2007

Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful!

Yes, it is! As much as I love the winter, this is a bit C-O-L-D! My friend Becky mentioned the birds on her blog today, and I happen to know that many of the ones in the Bristolwood are tucked safely away across the road! The fellow we bought our land from planted hundreds and hundreds of white pines back in the '40's when he was a Boy Scout. Those pines are now probably 40' tall, and offer refuge for many animals here in the Bristolwood. They also create quite the noise at night when the winds whip up!

Ben and I braved the weather late this morning and went down to the small town that is about eight miles from our home. I wanted to pick up some flour to make up a pizza crust for dinner. Pizza just sounds so good in this weather!

We got down to the town and traffic was backed up....we waited about five minutes, then I turned the Explorer around, and parked on the side of the street. We began walking (against the wind!) and as we passed the big 18 wheeler that had been in front of us, we realized the holdup was a Poland Springs truck making a BOTTLED WATER delivery! Dumb little town has no parking to speak of. We walked two blocks to the grocery store and picked up our supplies. We also stopped at the new Chinese restaurant and grabbed lunch specials.

When we got home, I called my neighbor, as her son and Ben had planned to play together this afternoon. Her husband made a really cool ice rink behind their house, complete with a hydrant to flood the area! I thought perhaps because the weather was bad the boys might not be able to skate this afternoon. But, Kate said I could bring Ben up earlier than planned as the kids had no school today. Ben bundled up in snowpants and his Carhart and was so excited to try out his new skates we got yesterday.

The pizza crust is currently in the bread machine, finishing up. I dragged the bread machine out on Saturday to make some rolls for dinner. Everyone was so thrilled with the rolls, I decided I need to use the machine again. It has been collecting dust for the past couple of years! So next shopping trip means I will have to pick up some good grains. I love breads with lots of texture like the one that Arby's uses for their Market Fresh sandwiches!

For those experiencing the deep-freeze, hold on! It can't last too long...


Anonymous said...

I sure hope not!*shivershiver*. I found a bread machine at Salvation Army a year ago, and I use that thing at least once a day!! I have a book,"More Bread Machine Magic" I think it's called, full of yummy recipes. And even white bread tastes better than storeboughten.

Becky said...

I'm like Cindy, lol, I use my bread machine almost daily and it's become so well-used that it is going to be time for a new one in the very near future, poor thing has been going strong for about 10 years!

When I was growing up, my father flooded a portion of the yard for an ice rink, all the neighborhood kids used to come, it was so much fun and brings back a ton of memories, thanks for the reminder! : )