Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Christmas Came Early to the Bristolwood

This afternoon, I had to run out for a few supplies. As I passed by the mailbox, I saw a package! A package is always a way to get my attention... Sure enough, the priority box had my name on it! I was so excited, as I hadn't ordered anything lately.....what was inside?

A while back, a soap friend of mine questioned me about some Cairn Terrier soaps I had made for a special order, as she has a Cairn. I told her I would send her some bars. It took me forever, but I finally got her box off!

To my surprise, she sent me a sweet note, saying that she wanted to send me some Scottie goodies. I had forgotten about the box I had sent, and I was never expecting anything like this.
In the box was an adorable pitcher with Scotties on it, the cutest crystal Scottie, and two pins!

I would not embarrass my friend by mentioning her name, but I was so blessed by this. I was having a bit of a tough day earlier in the day, and that box was so full of thoughtfulness and love, it really made me shed a few tears!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Aw, that's sweet! and what cool gifts!