Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Today I had to run down to our "local" little town to mail some letters AND to try out the new Chinese restaurant. Yes, what a surprise to have Chinese food only 8 miles from home!

As I drove on one of the roads, I stopped at the overlook the town built a year or two ago. I had never done this before, and I was impressed at how nice it is, complete with picnic tables. Um, shouldn't they have *stored* them for the winter, though? Not too sure how long they will last in the elements!

Here is a picture I took looking up the lake. I must comment that as SOON as I got my camera out of its bag, the SNOW began falling, giving the picture kind of a surreal look to it.

As I hopped out of the car, my mind drew me over to the plantings at the side of the house.....I wondered if those poor little Daffodils were frozen solid. I carefully brushed back the snow where I thought they were.....surprise! Oh yes, I covered them back up after taking their picture!

I had to giggle as I leaned over, looking at the Daffodils. My father had given us a "Garden Frog" a few years ago....I had forgotten to take him into the garage for the winter, and his little face glared out through the snow!

I made my way to the backyard to photograph Ben's new structure! We have had perhaps 4 inches of snow the past few days, and Ben has basically collected it ALL to make his snow fort.

Mark is always concerned about safety, so he gives Ben pieces of plywood and 2x4's so he can give his fort more stability.

Ben built this little fort in a matter of only a few hours. He used a large bucket to form the walls of his structure. So, if I were caught in a snowstorm in the middle of nowhere, I guess I would want Ben on my team!!


Becky said...

First, my son said to tell your son, "cool" on the snow fort, lol

I have to take a pic of my daffs and I'll post it on my blog in a few, we got more snow last night, it was a close call for 8 inches, but that was slightly north of us, we got two or three!
p.s. the pics from the Naughty Puppy post are showing for me now, : )

Katya said...

Wow! Ben will be psyched that someone appreciates his effort! We must have gotten some of your snow last night, as it all comes from the west!

Funny about the pics on that particular entry. They showed up for me all day, then late that night, they were the (infamous) little square boxes with the "red x"! I reloaded them, and apparently that did the trick. One thing is, the pictures used to load as "pictures"...I had to drag and drop. NOW, they appear as HTML. So, I cut and paste. Did that happen to you as well?
Also, my little "trash cans" are back to trash unwanted comments.....Funny thing, this Blogger!

Becky said...

I don't use blogger to post my pics, I upload them to photobucket, and for posting on my blog, I use Performancing for Firefox, it sits down in the task bar and you just click on it, write up your blog post, insert your pic url using the menu and publish, it's very simple and fast to use. Blogger always gave me headaches when uploading pics to it or posting!